• Current branch: develop-bc
  • Current commit: 34c177c

Liska and Wendroff case 6

Initial parameters

Left Right
$P_l$ $\rho_l$ $v_{x,l}$ $v_{y,l}$ $P_r$ $\rho_r$ $v_{x,r}$ $v_{y,r}$
Upper 1.0 2.0 0.75 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.75 -0.5
Lower 1.0 1.0 -0.75 0.5 1.0 3.0 -0.75 -0.5

And produces the following end time plots for the end time


Which is close to the Fig 4.3(Liska and Wendroff, 2003), if we look at the corresponding regime.

If we plot for the same but with a 128x128 grid we get the following


Which has the same form as the 400x400 grid, but the spirals are less defines.

yz and zx planes

By permutating the cordinates we can reproduce in the $$yz$$ and $$zx$$ planes, and they should look identical. They don't. The .nml files can be found in the corresponding github repo. But one must first permutate, then switch the coordinates of the plane one is looking at. e.g $$y\leftrightarrow z$$. Then we will still get a transposed image, but the general form is there.

img img